Theater games with The Predicament Players

People improvising on theatre stage

About the Program

Viola Spolin created theater games while teaching immigrant children at Hull House in 1930s Chicago. Her work transformed the field of arts education and launched the improvisational theater movement. Her son Paul Sills founded The Second City using her innovative techniques. “EVERYONE CAN IMPROVISE” involves students in the creative power of play using Spolin theater games. The merry band of players will inspire students with the creative power of play.

During this performance students learn about the origin of improvisatory theater. Throughout the show students will be included and engaged as they learn about learning by playing. Three members of the Predicament Players demonstrate games taught by Viola Spolin and her son, Paul Sills. This presentation is created by Aretha Sills and all games played during the performance are games created by her grandmother, Viola Spolin.

Additional Information

Grades: K-8

Cost: $600