Submit Your Script
Enrichment Works is accepting ongoing submissions of plays and musicals for K-12 audiences that focus on multicultural storytelling and explore different viewpoints. Themes relating to cultural diversity and inclusivity are strongly encouraged. Plays should be no longer than 45 minutes in length with a cast of 1-3 actors. Enrichment Works provides theater to inspire learning at schools, libraries, museums and other community venues. Playwrights retain ownership of their work and are paid royalties for each performance. Enrichment Works also welcomes pitches and ideas for collaborative projects. Please submit a full script and/or short synopsis of your work as well as an artist bio to info@enrichmentworks.org.
Apply to be an Actor
We are always looking for dedicated, responsible and experienced actors who love children, are available at least 9 months of the year, and are willing to work in non-traditional venues. Please send your photo and resume to info@enrichmentworks.org and you will be contacted when auditions are scheduled. Payment is on a per-booking basis.

Apply to be a Workshop Instructor
We seek Teaching Artists (actors, directors, designers, playwrights) who are familiar with State Content Standards, the new Common Core standardsand have classroom experience. We are especially interested in bilingual educators (Spanish and English).